Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Festival of the Arts/Pageant of the Masters

If you travel to Laguna Beach, CA in late July or sometime in August, be sure to attend the Pageant of the Masters, a really cool event in Laguna Beach that I haven't been to in years. The web site describes it as "ninety minutes of living pictures - incredibly faithful art re-creations of classical and contemporary works with real people posing to look exactly like their counterparts in the original pieces. An outdoor amphitheater, professional orchestra, original score, live narration, intricate sets, sophisticated lighting, expert staff, and hundreds of dedicated volunteers have won recognition for the Pageant as the best presentation of its kind." The first time I went, over 10 years ago, I was skeptical. I was picturing an Edward Hopper "painting" with a couple of actors hanging around a pool table, but the way to think about it is people as the pixels of the painting.

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